Acne Treatment Tips
Acne is a broad term which includes blemishes, blackheads, and whiteheads. Acne can strike at any age. Effective acne treatments are sometimes difficult to find, and understanding acne and prevention can be frustrating. Here are some acne treatment tips that have worked for many. Although acne isn't life threatening it can be uncomfortable and hard on your ego. There has always been a debate about the actual cause of acne. The actual cause isn't as important as finding a cure. So is there a cure for acne. Well yes and no. There are many products available and for some they are a cure, for others they do not help. A cure is only a cure when you find a product that works for you. Most acne treatments will take time to work. It usually takes around 8 weeks before you see any significant improvement so you are going to have to be patient. Once you've got your acne cleared up it's important to continue with the treatment that's working so it does not return. If you have serious acne it is best to consult a dermatologist. However in milder cases you will often be able to get it under control by yourself just by preservering. Try these tips to conquer your acne. Exercise Regular exercise helps keep your whole body in shape. It builds your immune system and helps eliminate toxins from the body. It's a great start to fighting acne. Diet You need to eat at least 5 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables each day. Fresh fruit and vegetables are full of nutrients that your body needs. They boost the immune system and are good antioxidants. They can work towards helping you get rid of the acne. Try to avoid refined sugars and fatty foods which have are not good for you or your skin. You also need to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to flush your system of toxins. Cosmetics Choose cosmetics that are water based and hypo-allergenic. Avoid oil free products, coal tar derivatives, and heavy creams. Make sure you wash your skin thoroughly every night to remove makeup residue. Hormones Hormones can play a role in acne flare ups and they can be used to reduce outbreaks. Your doctor may decide to use HRT to eliminate or reduce your acne outbreaks. Clean Skin You need to avoid harsh scrubbing of your face but you also need to thoroughly clean your skin nightly. Use a mild cleaning regime every night. Once or twice a week you should also use an exfoliator to gently remove damaged skin and unplug pores. Shaving Is actually a great exfoliating treatment the removes dead skin. However you should never shave an area that is infected or inflamed. Always use a shaving cream if your skin is sensitive. Stress Can be a contributing factor to acne so try to relax and unwind. Emotions trigger chemical reactions in the body which can cause an outbreak. You can help control your acne outbreaks by following these simple steps. What are you waiting for? |
Friday, October 12, 2018
Acne Treatment: 7 Things You Must Know!
Acne Treatment: 7 Things You Must Know!
Are you suffering from acne? Do you know what is causing it and is there any effective acne treatment? Studies show that an estimated 80 % percent of people experience acne at some point. No one knows exactly what the cause of acne is, but there are a few theories. Let´s take a look at 7 of them: 1. Acne normally begins between the ages of eleven and thirteen. This is true in both males and females due to changes in hormone levels. These hormones, called androgens, will enlarge the facial glands. The oil produced by the glands is known as sebum. The hair follicles shed dead cells too quickly and the cells and sebum form a blockage in the gland. 2. Pressure and rubbing from tight garments. Adult with acne should avoid tight-collared shirts that might irritate the acne further. Adult athletes may notice an outbreak of acne from equipment such as backpacks or athletic helmets. 3. Acne can also be caused by genetics. Studies have shown that a family history of acne can affect whether you have acne and the severity of it. So if your mother or father had acne as a teen, chances are that it will be a contributory factor to the cause of your acne. 4. Factors linked to women Women have several factors that men don't that can be linked to the cause of acne. Women go through several phases of life that cause their hormone levels to change. These changes can cause acne in adult women between two and seven days before their menstrual cycle. 5. Pregnancy and hormones Pregnant women also experience a fluctuation in hormones. Those who may have previously had little or no acne may see pimples during their pregnancy and for a time after the birth of the baby until the hormone levels return to normal. 6. Menopause and hormones Menopause will cause changes in hormone levels for woman and can be a cause of acne. Women also tend to wear heavy makeup when experience an acne outbreak, which only worsens the problem by further clogging pores. 7.Stress. Especially in adults, stress can be another cause of acne. When you are stressed, the hormone cortisol is produced. Cortisol will worsen any acne you already have. To prevent stress-related acne, try relaxation and meditation. Some adults experience acne from picking at blemishes on their skin. You should never pick at or squeeze a pimple, blackhead or any other blemish on your face. This can only cause more acne and possibly an infection. When cleaning your face, avoid harsh facial cleansers(they cause the creation of more sebum) and scrubbing your face too vigorously. Acne treatments The sad part is that most of the acne products are sold over the counter for treatment. Most over-the-counter acne treatments are topical and come in the form of a cream, soap, lotion or gel. Acne products normally contain benzoyl peroxide (good for killing the bacteria and possibly reducing oil production), sulfur (helps eliminate blackheads and whiteheads) and/or salicylic acid (cuts down the speed of cell lose). More severe cases may require prescription acne medicine that is topical or oral. Oral acne medication can help reduce both the growth of the bacteria and inflammation of glands |
Acne Skin Care Tips that Work
Acne Skin Care Tips that Work
How should people go about acne skin care? This article enumerates some basic guidelines to go by. For example, you should clean your skin gently, avoid frequent handling of the skin, avoid sun tanning, and lastly, women should choose their cosmetics carefully and men must shave carefully for good acne skin care. People with acne may try to stop outbreaks and oil production by scrubbing their skin and using strong detergent soaps. However, scrubbing will not help acne skin care; in fact, it can make the problem worse. Most doctors recommend that people with acne gently wash their skin with a mild cleanser for acne skin care, once in the morning and once in the evening. Patients should ask their doctor or another health professional for advice on the best type of cleanser to use for acne skin care. Acne skin care also means washing your skin after heavy exercise. Patients should wash their face from under the jaw to the hairline; rough scrubs or pads should not be used. It is important that patients thoroughly rinse their skin after washing it. Astringents are not recommended for acne skin care unless the skin is very oily, and then they should be used only on oily spots. Doctors also recommend that patients regularly shampoo their hair as part of acne skin care. Those with oily hair may want to shampoo it every day for proper acne skin care. People who squeeze, pinch, or pick their blemishes risk developing scars. Acne lesions can form in areas where pressure is frequently applied to the skin. Frequent rubbing and touching of skin lesions should be avoided if you take your acne skin care seriously. Men who shave and who have acne can try electric and safety razors to see which is more comfortable for acne skin care. Men who use a safety razor should use a sharp blade and soften their beard thoroughly with soap and water before applying shaving cream. Nicking blemishes can be avoided by shaving lightly and only when necessary. A suntan or sunburn that reddens the skin can make blemishes less visible and make the skin feel drier for a little while. But the benefits are only temporary and cannot take the place of proper acne skin care. The sun can seriously damage skin, promote aging of skin, and cause skin cancer. Furthermore, many of the medications used to treat acne make a person more prone to sunburn. People being treated for acne often need to change some of the cosmetics they use. Acne skin care demands that all cosmetics, such as foundation, blush, eye shadow, and moisturizers, should be oil free. Patients may find it difficult to apply foundation evenly during the first few weeks of treatment because skin may be red or scaly, particularly with the use of topical tretinoin or benzoyl peroxide. |
Acne Scars - Getting Rid of Bad Memories!
Acne Scars - Getting Rid of Bad Memories!
Acne scars can often be the final reminder of a bad time in the life of a person's skin. Though acne is one of the most common skin disorders, most former patients feel no need to display their scars like war wounds from a hard won battle, and once sufferers have achieved the clear skin they have longed for so long, they move swiftly into a new fight - how to remove, or at least lessen, their acne scars. Just as there are different types of acne, there are also different types of acne scar. While the painful cyst type acne usually leaves scarring of some kind, some former patients find themselves with minimal damage after suffering with this type of the condition, while others who have had more superficial blemishes find that they scar badly. Scars are caused by both the build-up of excess tissue and by the loss of tissue due to acne, and the type of treatment that is appropriate will vary from patient to patient. But medical advances have led to a number of new developments, which means that there is even an effective treatment for deep acne scars available. Most types of the skin condition leave indented acne scars, which are difficult to conceal using makeup. Thankfully, there are available treatments for these deep acne scars, which can even out the appearance of the skin. Chemical peels can be used for shallower acne scars, while dermabrasion can penetrate the skin at a deeper level. One of the most recent developments in this field is the use of laser treatment for acne scars, which uses the energy of a laser to penetrate the skin and improve its appearance. Different types of laser have different healing properties - a consultation with a dermatologist will help determine which laser treatment for acne scars will have the best effects on your skin. Scars, particularly acne facial scars, can be a daily reminder of a time you are very glad to see the back of, but thankfully there are treatments available to help you achieve the skin you deserve. Make an appointment with a dermatologist and find out how you can say good bye to those acne scars for good. |
Acne Scars - Cause, Prevention And Treatment
Acne Scars - Cause, Prevention And Treatment
Acne affects as much as 80% of teenagers and others in their early twenties, while most get out with only a few minor acne scars, some even without any at all; there is also a notable percentage that suffers from acne scars. There are two types of skin problems caused by acne that can be recognized as acne scars, one is the red pigmentation that appears after acne has healed. These contrary to popular belief, are not scars, rather, these are post-inflammatory lesions which occurs as the acne heals, and these can be present for up to 6-12 months. If however the pigmentation that you see lasts longer than the said period, you may be facing acne scars. Acne scars come from connective tissue that the body uses to repair damage done to a certain area. Together with antibodies and white blood cells, they work together to heal the wound. After the healing process, you are left with a scar. Acne scars can develop as long as acne is present, so one good form of prevention is actually preventing acne. However, Acne scars can also be prevented even with the presence of acne. This is done by facilitating the healing of the acne, the faster it heals, the shallower the acne scar will be, making it easier to treat, or may need no treatment at all. There are two dermatologically tested ways to facilitate the healing of acne, one is the use of Tretinoin, it's a form of vitamin A, which speeds up the skin's healing and renovation process shortening the inflammation period, thus preventing Acne scars. The other treatment used by most dermatologists for Acne scar prevention is the use of Aplpha-Hydroxy Acids of AHA's and Beta-Hydroxy Acids or BHA's. These help the skins remodeling process, with the right concentration and proper application; these can also prevent acne scars. Without the complicated chemicals and difficult dermatological treatments, you can also help prevent acne scars by treating your skin righteously. Avoid sun exposure, this can cause even more skin damage and may hamper the healing process of your skin. Wear sunscreen that has SPF 15 or higher. Picking at scabs never helped either. Never pick on acne as it heals; it interferes with the healing process and might worsen the resulting acne scar. Of course, not even the most rigorous person can prevent acne scar, with the stress of everyday life, facial and other skin problems are really hard to avoid, there are however treatments available for acne scars, here are some of them. Dermal Fillers Collagen or other fillers are injected into the acne scar to raise is just a bit, so that it will be the same level as your skin, these treatments aren't permanent though. They mostly last 3-6 months and you'll need additional injections after that. Punch Excision This method is effective for some types of scars. It includes the surgical tool that matches the size of the scar; it can be compared to a cookie dough cutter. This tool cuts the scar out and the remaining wound is then sewed back together. The resulting scar will be unnoticeable, but if it is, it'll be easier for laser resurfacing to treat it. Other types of this treatment include the use of skin grafts. Laser Resurfacing Laser resurfacing is a very popular and fast treatment for acne scars. Laser resurfacing basically works by burning a measure upper layer of the skin, and then letting it heal, leaving a newer looking skin. However, care must be taken after the procedure; the correct post operative procedure determines the success of the operation. |
Acne Rosacea - A Blush You Can Do Without
Acne Rosacea - A Blush You Can Do Without
What do former presidents Bill Clinton and Boris Yeltsin have in common? A condition called acne rosacea, a chronic inflammation of the blood vessels in the skin, which causes a ruddy complexion and small acne-like eruptions on the cheeks, forehead and nose. In men it can often cause the skin on the nose to thicken and swell, leading toa condition called rhinophyma. Nobody know what causes it but the list of potential triggers is endless. The main culprits are alcohol and rich, spicy foods. Because its roots are unknown, there's no permanent cure either, so management is the key. This is partly achieved by identifying what makes the rosacea worse through a process of exclusion and by the use of topical antibiotics - usually metronidazole. A GP's diagnosis is vital since the symptoms can be similar to more serious conditions such as lupus. Rosacea can last a lifetime, especially in men, but often clears up on its own. |
Acne Program - Step 9 Protein and 0ther Food to Eat
Acne Program - Step 9 Protein and 0ther Food to Eat
Eating the right kind of food is what can give you a strong immune system and help you prevent sickness and all kinds of skin blemishes including acne. Here are some of the foods that can help you overcome the acne on your face or throughout your body. Protein Eating excess meat is harmful to your health. Eating too much meat, more than 2-4 ounces per day, has been found to contribute to narrowing of the arteries. If you do physical labor and are involved in a lot of movement in your work, then you should eat more than 2-4 ounces of protein per day. Just make sure that the meat has a minimum of additives and preservatives. Remember, meat is high in saturated fat, which blocks the activity of EPA and DHA, which produce prostaglandin and control the activity of your hormones. Meat and bread is a big contributor to creating constipation. Meat is difficult to digest and many times it will get into the colon partial digested. This condition benefits the bad bacteria and allows them to dominate the colon and create constipation. Because meat and bread have little fiber, they move slowly in the colon, which leads to constipation and eventually to some type of colon inflammation. Bad bacteria, decaying meat and other undigested food contribute to the build up of toxic matter in the colon. This is the type of condition you should try to avoid, if you have acne. You need fecal matter in the colon to move regularly and out the rectum, otherwise, toxic matter will build up and end up in your blood stream Here are the grains you should be eating: * Brown rice - contain many amino acids that help rebuild skin tissue * Whole grains - contain folic acid, magnesium, and vitamin E, B vitamins, minerals, and fiber * Oats - use them in the morning with honey or raisins. Oats have an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin and help to keep you regular. Seeds and nuts * Almonds - Almonds contain protein, the B vitamins, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Use them as a snack. These small nuts help to build muscles and tissue. * Flax seeds - These seeds are known for containing plenty of omega 3 oil, an essential oil for life. They also contain fiber when used ground up and put into smoothies. Omega 3 is also an anti-inflammatory oil, which is good for acne. * Pecans - This is one of the good nuts to eat. It contains Vitamin A, B's, C, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and potassium. Use them as a snack. * Pine nuts - these nuts also one of the best to eat. They contain vitamin A, C, B's, protein and iron. * Sesame seeds - They are high in calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. They are helpful in relieving various skin diseases such as acne by reducing the swelling. * Sunflower seeds - These seeds should be used as a snack. They are high in protein, calcium and vitamin A. They provide nutrients for building the whole body and are good for dry skin. All of these nuts and seeds should be eaten raw. Heating and other processing will kill the life force of the nut or seed and also reduce the quantity of the vitamins and minerals. |
Acne Program - Step 8 Vegetables to Eat and Drink
Acne Program - Step 8 Vegetables to Eat and Drink
Eating and drinking vegetables is necessary for good health and for keeping your skin free from acne. Most people don't eat enough vegetables and seldom drink their juices. Here is a list of vegetables and their juices that you need to eat and drink daily to help eliminate your acne. Vegetable juices Vegetable juices are absorbed quickly into your bloodstream. As a result, your cells are quickly provided with nutrients that feed them and that wash away waste. Vegetable juices give you the opportunity to get quick relief from various body conditions such as acne, skin disorders, and constipation. Eating and drinking vegetables provide you with minerals and nutrients that build your blood, tissue, bones, and cells. It is minerals that build every part of your body. It is minerals that keep your body's pH at the required level. It is minerals that keep your body alkaline by neutralizing body acids. Concentrate on putting minerals into your body by eating and drinking plenty of fruits and vegetables. Carrot apple juice Drink carrot juice every day. I like drinking carrot juice mixed with apple juice. My stomach can handle this combination better. Carrot juice contains many vitamins and minerals. It is high in beta-carotene. Carrot juice will enhance your skins health and help you eliminate acne. Carrot, spinach, and apple juice A combination of carrot, spinach and apple juice is a powerful drink for cleaning the colon, relieving constipation and improving your skin conditions. To make this drink, juice 3-4 carrots and a bunch of spinach. Then add juiced apples to make this drink more drinkable. Vegetables The word phytochemicals is used frequent here. Phytochemicals are all of the chemicals that exist in vegetables and fruits. There are so many phytochemicals that scientists have yet to investigate and learn about all of them. Here are the vegetables that you should be eating the most of, so you can support the cleansing of your face and eliminating acne. * Carrots - contain a rich source of vitamin A-like carotenoids. These phytochemicals have been shown to enhance the health of skin and repair it when it is damaged. * Cabbage - helps to detoxify the body of harmful chemicals from the air and food additives. * Celery - helps to reduce nervous tension. It contains many minerals that help to neutralize body acid waste and is high in fiber * Cucumber - helps to reduce acne problems because it is high in silicon and sulfur. It is also a diuretic which helps flow more water through the kidney to clean out your blood * Broccoli - is rich in beta carotene, a precursor to vitamin A, which is good for the skin * Garlic - is a natural antibiotic and will help relieve skin bacterial infections * Green pepper - The nutrients in green peppers are good for liver health and constipation. Its minerals are good for neutralizing acid waste. * Radishes - help to digest your food. Good digestion is necessary to avoid constipation and to keep the liver and pancreas strongSprouts - provide plenty of vitamins and minerals, which help to reduce body acids * Watercress - helps to prevent vitamin and mineral deficiencies at the skin surface. It provides Vitamin A, B1, B2, C, iron, manganese, copper, and calcium. |
Acne DOs and DON'Ts
Acne DOs and DON'Ts
Every little thing counts when it comes to fighting acne and keeping it under control. After all, zits are not that big themselves, they just bug us in a big way. We don't always realize that seemingly insignificant things can help us look better (or worse, depending on what they are), while intentionally following myths, we do more harm than good to the skin. Here are a few things to consider if you don't want to see those pimples pop up. DO: = Clean your face twice a day. Use a cleanser that is designed for your skin type and avoid harsh and irritating products. When cleaning your skin and rinsing it with water (make sure to use plenty!), move from the neck to the hairline - that way you are not likely to spread hair build up over your face, as it can aggravate acne. = If you work out and sweat, clean your face after you exercise. = Use a moisturizer for your skin type. Even if your skin is oily, don't ignore this important part of your daily routine. Your skin needs protection. Overdrying your skin will not do any good: on the contrary, the oil glands will start working even harder. = Choose cosmetics made for your skin type. = Use products with fruit acids. They help to shed old skin cells and prevent pore clogging. You are not likely to see the results overnight, but be patient and stick to the treatment - you will be pleasantly surprised. = Protect your skin from wind and harsh environment as they make skin prone to infections. = Shampoo your hair regularly. Oil glands on your scalp produce the same sebum as those on your face. Add hair care products residues and environmental elements that stick to your hair - and you have a super-effective acne causing solution. = Drink lots of water to clean your body of toxins and keep your skin hydrated from the inside. = Take vitamins and eat a healthy diet. People who suffer from acne often don't get enough vitamin A in their diets (you may want to consult your doctor about that since large doses of vitamin A can be toxic). Zinc supplements are known to fight acne outbreaks. Healthy eating is good for all parts of your body. While diet changes alone won't spare you of acne, they will help your skin look better. = See a doctor if your acne is severe. DON'T: = Don't use drying cleansers and harsh scrubs. They destroy the protective barrier and alter skin pH, making skin vulnerable and prone to infections. Astringents should be used on oily areas only. = Don't squeeze zits. This is the worst thing to do, and for many the hardest to avoid. Still, if you don't want to aggravate the condition, don't pick on your pimples. You can, however, drain them with a sterilized needle once they are mature. = Don't scratch or rub your skin. Sometimes rubbing can cause zits on otherwise clear complexion. You may want to experiment if you are brave enough, otherwise try to keep your hands off your face and avoid wearing hats, helmets or bands that may cause unpleasant surprises. = Don't tan. Even though tan will mask the blemishes, the effect is temporary. Excessive sun exposure can aggravate acne. Many over-the-counter and prescription acne products make your skin sensitive to sun. In addition to causing skin dehydration and premature aging, UV rays destroy cells responsible for skin's immunology |
Acne Control The Natural Way!
Acne Control The Natural Way!
Want to get rid of those zits in your face but you are currently low on budget? How about looking for acne control to avoid the sudden appearance of acne in your skin? So how do we do this? First, what is acne? Acne is a skin disorder caused by the hormones action on the oil glands of the skin which is called the sebaceous glands. The excretion of oils from this glands can lead to congested skin pores. This is when acne occurs. The face, neck, chest, back and shoulders is where the glands are most profuse, that is why most acne are found on this locations. People who are with this kind of disorder often tends to be depressed, and humiliated. There are a lot of factors that can generate acne to transpire. First is our Genes. Genetics can't be changed but other factors like our daily routine and the way we take care of our skin can be improved to make acne control no problem at all. Don't feel so sad about your acne because there's lots of things you can do. This acne control tips will help you say bye-bye to those zits. 1. Include Fruits and Vegetables in your daily Diet. A healthy diet consists of at least four to five servings of fruits and vegetables. Acne control will be a lot easier if you start including this in your daily habit. 2. Rose water can be used as a facial cleanser. Dipped in a cotton, clean your face using this everyday for at least two to three times each day. 3. Don't wait for your pimples to form. If you see a bit of it in your face, do something. Acne control is best done early. Pat some ice on the affected area for this will make it less swollen. 4. Acne control is easier when accompanied with multivitamins. Start taking vitamins that contains zinc supplement. Zinc helps in making your skin stronger and acne resistant. 5. Cucumber can help in acne control. Blend it with some water to form a mask. Put it in your face and leave it for about half an hour before rinsing it off. This is a good and affordable acne control remedy that can also refresh your skin. 6. Use only mild soaps and avoid soaps that contains petroleum based products and animal based ingredient for this causes your skin to get dry and irritated. 7. Using alcohol free facial cleansers makes Acne control trouble-free. Alcohol tends to dry your skin more. 8. Makeup also prompt the occurrence of acne. Choose your makeup wisely. Most of the makeup available contains petroleum based ingredients that makes skin dry. An all natural makeup helps acne control become more effortless. 9. Lastly, Drinking loads of water is very important. It flushes out the dirt in our body, Making acne control more natural. Now you have a list of some helpful tips in acne control. It is your choice if you are to do these methods. There are lots of ways in acne control, be it naturally or by technology. Skin products are always around for you to pick your choice. The thing is, these products are very costly. If you are the innovative type of person, better try this methods in acne control. It is all natural and wont do any harm in your body. No side effects of course! Plus, you can really save a bunch out of this. There's no harm in trying! Saying goodbye to those acne is just a step away! |
Acne and Skin Problem Myths Debunked
Isn't skin a wonderful thing to have? An obvious benefit of skin is that it protects our bodies' internal organs from harmful elements like dirt, insects, bites, toxic chemicals, nasty weather, and the like, and it certainly is more attractive than what's underneath. When skin is healthy it's nice to look at, but when it's diseased, it can not only affect you physically, but more painfully can cause stress and social problems. Like the common cold, acne and similar skin diseases can be treated and covered up, but cannot really be cured. The best treatment is prevention and knowledge about what makes your skin happy, so that you can avoid skin care enemies and breakout triggers. The real cause of acne can vary from individual to individual, but some factors can be stated with relative certainty: 1. Acne occurs when pores or hair follicles become blocked or clogged. 2. There are basically 4 types of acne manifestations: whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, and nodules. 3. Acne can appear pretty much anywhere on the skin, though it causes the most concern when it shows up on the face. The worst forms of acne break out, however, on the chest and back, and most commonly on males rather than females because of hormonal differences. 4. There are many common myths and untruths about acne, rosacea, and other skin care problems. Some acne myths include "you'll outgrow it, so leave it alone", "being out in the sun helps acne", "acne problems are directly or indirectly proportionate to sexual activity", "acne visits dirty people", "acne is contagious", and too many more to list in this short article. The sad thing is that belief in the myths can be devasting, in that proper treatment is avoided, and lifestyle changes that don't need to be made can take away pleasure unnecessarily. For example, at one point in my life, I truly believed that I was allergic to chocolate and that it caused my breakouts. Whenever I would succumb to the temptation and have "just a little" I would stress out waiting for the red spots, and sure enough they would appear. After several years and much experimentation, I learned I had no allergy, the stress was a trigger for me, and a new over the counter face scrub has kept me in the clear ever since. Knowing what triggers your breakouts can be the difference between constant battles and healthy skin. The Internet is a wonderful place to get the information you need, so stop stressing out and learn what it takes to put your best face forward. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dennis Becker has developed a free e-Course titled "Ultimate Acne Prevention and Treatment Guide" which debunks the myths and shows you how to look great consistently. The e-Course, along with other skin care articles can be accessed at: |
Acne and Green Tea
Acne and Green Tea
Green tea is used by the Chinese as a traditional medicine to treat many ailments including acne and to improve general well-being. But does it provide an effective herbal alternative to modern medication? The answer seems to be 'Yes'. There are only two herbal treatments that are known to be effective in treating acne and green tea is one of them. In a recent study by Jennifer Gan-Wong, M.D. a green tea cream was trailed against a 4% benzoyl peroxide solution on people suffering with moderate to severe acne. The results from this research study showed that green tea was just as good in treating acne as the benzoyl peroxide. But benzoyl peroxide dries out skin causing itching or allergic reactions. Unlike green tea that has the added advantages of natural anti-bacterial properties and antioxidants, particularly epigallocatechin gallate which is 200 times more powerful than vitamin E at fighting free radicals. Green tea also helps to reduce inflammation, hormonal activity and aids in detoxification - which is all good news for acne sufferers. Green tea extract is an extremely versatile herbal supplement - it can be administered topically, often being used in creams, taken as a in the form of a pill or incorporated into your diet and drunk as a tea. This last method is very popular (Green Tea with Honeysuckle is often known as 'Pimple Tea' in many Chinatowns) when drunk after a meal it aids digestion and helps to detoxify your system, getting rid of the toxins that can cause acne. Tip: don't drink it with sugar, this will neutralize the worthwhile effects of the tea. It seems that taking green tea for acne is a win-win situation. It has many beneficial properties which promote good all-round health with little or no known side effects and for the price, green tea it's definitely a herbal treatment that's worth trying. ====================================== |
Acne Adoloscent Style - How To Deal With It?
Acne Adoloscent Style - How To Deal With It?
Adolescent acne is referred to by many names, teen acne, acne adoloscent, and hormonal acne to name just a few. Whatever you want to call it, it can be frustrating, painful, and embarrassing to a teen. Living with acne over a prolonged period during your teen years can be emotionally devastating, after all this is the age where your appearance is most important. Teen acne is very hard on the ego, often resulting in teasing and razzing from peers. Some teens suffer from not only acne but sever depression. During the adolescent years almost every teen will have at least an occasional whitehead, blackhead, or pimple. Adolescent acne usually occurs between the ages of 12 and 20, and is usually the result of fluctuating hormone levels. Once the hormones stabilize out the acne will normally disappear. So what's the bet way to deal with adolescent acne? The simplest and most important thing a teen can do, is to learn to take good care of their skin, keeping it clean and as oil free as possible. This is not a cure but can help keep acne breakouts to a minimum. Eating healthy and drinking plenty of water will also help by keeping the skin hydrated and the body flushed. Girls should use oil free cosmetics. Lightly exfoliating once a week will help open pours, and remove dead skin debris. Milder cases of acne can be controlled by using conventional over the counter medicines that are applied directly to the skin. These medications usually include benzoyl peroxide or retinoic acid as an active ingredient. Some natural products that can be used to treat acne are tea tree oil or Echinacea. Wash your face twice a day with a mixture of these herbs to reduce the number of break outs. Both have anti-inflammatory and anti-septic qualities. In more severe adolescent acne a Doctor may try various oral medications such as antibiotics, oral contraceptives or Accutane. As teens get older and hormones stabilize, fewer outbreaks should be seen, however some people do continue to have outbreaks well into adult hood. If the teen acne condition worsens or becomes emotionally debilitating it is important to seek medical help from a dermatologist. You do not want an adolescent to grow up with skin and emotional scars as a result of acne, so treat not only their physical scars but their emotional scars. |
Acne - Step 2: Using Acne Face Cream
Acne - Step 2: Using Acne Face Cream
After you have washed your face with a chemical free soap, use an applicator to dip into Scotty's face cream or you favorite face cream. Place the cream on your face and spread it all around. Massage the cream into your face gently so the skin absorbs the oils in this cream. These oils will seal the pores and hold the natural moisture of the skin and enhance the curing effects of the cream You can use the cream 2-3 times a day. It is best to use it after you have cleaned your face in the morning and right before you go to bed. You can also use it during noontime. You can use Scotty's' cream under your makeup or over your makeup. It will work either way. However, it will work better on a clean face. You will notice that when you apply the cream it will tingle in areas without sores and may sting in areas of open sores. This will pass and as it does it should reduce the itchiness of any sores. Scotty's cream has allantoin, which will help to clear acne sores. The oils, vitamin A and E, and minerals in Scotty's will help to feed, rebuild, and rejuvenate your skin. The minerals also help to neutralize the toxic acids that have contaminated and inflamed pores on your face. During cleansing and fasting, more acid waste may come out of your pores. This is why Scotty's cream will help you to reduce the inflammation and spread your acne. Tree Tea Oil To make Scotty's cream or your own cream even more powerful, you can add 5-10 drops of pure tree tea oil to a two-ounce container. You can experiment with the amount to add. You may want to add more drops to provide more tea tree oil for your face. But, do not use more than 15 drops. Tree tea oil has been found to be effective in various skin disorders. It acts as an antiseptic, antifungal, and antibacterial. This oil helps to bring oxygen to the skin cell, which kills bacteria and fungus and helps to repair damaged skin caused by acne. Borage Oil There is one more thing that you can add to Scotty's face cream or your favorite acne cream that will boost its acne clearing power. This is borage oil. Borage oil contains EPA and DHA, which helps to control excessive hormones that cause the over production of sebum. It is the adrenal glands that produce streams of androgens during puberty. These large quantities of androgens help to activate bone growth and assist in bringing forth sexual maturity. A side effect of these androgens is the release of excess oil from the oil glands near the hair follicle. This excess gives rise to § black heads § white heads § pimples § cysts So here's what you can do to make your face cream even more effective, § Mix one or two capsules of Borage oil into your cream § Do this by cutting the tip off of the Borage oil softgel and squeeze the oil into the cream There is a new form of EPA and DHA that is available in a product called Neptune Krill Oil (NKO) Neptune Krill Oil (NKO) NKO is the new EPA and DHA product, which maybe better to use than Borage Oil. NKO has the omega-3, EPA and DHA in the phospholipid form, which is easier for your cells to absorb compared with Borage oil. Borage oil contains the omega-3, EPA, and DHA in triglyceride form, which is more difficult for cells to absorb. One other good property of NKO is that is does not have to be refrigerated like Borage. It can be kept in a cool place in your cabinets. However, it does cost more than Borage oil. Word of Caution: As with all creams and oils, if you get any rash or skin reactions when using them, discontinue their use. |
Acne - An Introduction
Acne - An Introduction
Acne is the most common skin disorder. Over 10% of Americans age 25 - 44 have acne. Over 85% Americans age 12 - 25 will have acne at one time or the other. If ignored, acne can become infected, create scars, and pockmarks that become permanent on your face. I don't want this to happen to you, so I have written a series of articles on how to clear your acne. Acne Is a Disease Acne is a disease called seborrhea or seborrheic dermatitis. It occurs when the sebaceous glands, under your skin, become contaminated with oily toxic matter, which contains, § dirt § dead skin § excess sebum oil § acid waste § bacteria § toxic matter Under normal conditions the sebaceous glands release oil that comes up through your pores onto the skin surface. This release keeps your skin moist and lubricated for protection from the environment. If your pores on your face are not open or plugged, this creates toxic oil that cannot move out onto your skin. This results in a growth or pimple that start to increase in size as more toxic oil tries to reach the surface of your skin. If the pore walls burst under the skin, white blood cells move in to digest the collagen around the pores. When this happens, you will have scars on your face. To avoid having scars, you need to start an acne-clearing program before you get acne or just as soon as you see acne coming so that your pimples and back heads don't get to the point where they get severely infected and burst. Clearing Your Acne Acne is a complex condition that involves many parts of the body even though it shows up as only eruptions on the face and else where on your skin. It is a signal that you have problems elsewhere deep within your body. Acne can be caused by a toxic colon, poor digestion of food, weak liver and other conditions that cause the blood to carry too much toxicity. To clear acne it is not always possible to just do one thing and expect acne to go away. But it may be possible to just use a special cream and have your acne diminish or clear. Acne may go away by just doing one thing but don't expect it to. A facial cream, diet, herbal treatment, and colon cleanse alone may not be able to clear acne. A combination may or may not work. |
Acne - A Clean Face - Step 1 in a 12 Step Program
Acne - A Clean Face - Step 1 in a 12 Step Program
For those that need more than a special cream like Scotty's Face Cream, then you need to work harder to get rid of acne. Since acne is a condition that occurs from within your body and exhibits on the outside of your body, you need to, § Attack acne from inside your body § Attack acne from outside your body If your acne is not to severe, all you might need is a good cream and need only to follow a few steps in my 12 step program to get you past the periods where acne is active. If your acne is more severe, than you may have to follow my 12-step program, since acne is an expression of your whole body system and is a reflection of what is going on inside your mind, cell structure and internal organs. Acne is an excessive toxic condition within your body, which the internal elimination organs are unable to eliminate. So your toxins are moved into your blood and excreted through your skin. It is an automatic survival mechanism your body initiates in an effort to protect the insides of your body - cells, liquid, blood, organs, and tissues. There are 12 areas that you need to look at, § Keep your face clean § Using Scotty's acne face cream or your favorite face cream § Relive your constipation and the tree day liquid fast § Making changes to your diet § Get plenty of sun, air, and water § Vitamins you need to be taking § Minerals you should be taking § Special supplements to take § Herbal mixture to use or drink § Special detoxifying drinks or supplements to take § Brushing your skin § Change your attitude Step 1: Keeping your face clean If you use face cosmetics, you need to stop. Some cosmetics irritate the skin and can cause acne by plugging up your pores on your face. The cosmetics chemicals that can cause you the most skin and pore irritation and inflammation are: mineral oil lanolin parabens propylene glycol Look at the label of the cosmetics you use. You will find that many cosmetics, soaps, and sunscreens contain these chemicals. Find a water base make up, not an oil base. Find one that does not irritate your face and use it sparingly When you wash your face don't use any commercial soaps since they are filled with chemicals that will irritate and worsen your acne condition. And don't excessive wash your face as this will dry your skin of the natural protective oil. Also, don't keep touching your face since you spread or add bacteria to it. To wash your face use only, § Castile hand or liquid soap § Pure glycerin hand soap You can pat your face with a clean hot face towel to bring circulation to your face and to help open and move the toxic material, in the pimple, to the surface. Do not scrub hard to burst a pimple but just scrub lightly to burst a pimple when it is ready to open. Use the hot towel application only 2-3 times per week. When a pimple is open do not continue to rub or scrub it. In fact do not pick or scratch an open pimple since this could create other sores or leave scars that are difficult to remove. Just washing your face with clean soap will keep your face free of toxic matter. Keep in mind, Whatever you put on your skin will move into your skin and into your bloodstream. Most commercial creams, lotions, and soaps are filled with all kinds of chemicals that are toxic to your body. By using them you are making your liver work harder. During the day or at night avoid resting your cheeks or chin on your hand(s) or arm(s). This can irritate your face and cause acne to breakout. When you sleep, try to sleep on your back and not with your face or side of the face into your pillow. |
A Natural Approach To Managing Acne
A Natural Approach To Managing Acne
Almost everyone has suffered from acne at one time or another in his or her lives. It is primarily a disorder of the sebaceous gland (glands in the skin that secrete an oily substance) of the face, the neck and back. When the sebaceous glands become clogged with the oily substance they create, the accumulation results in pimples. There are several forms of acne, but the most common is acne vulgaris, found primarily in adolescents. The exact cause of acne is not known, but factors that contribute to this condition include heredity, oily skin and androgens. Additional factors include allergies, stress, the use of certain drugs, nutritional deficiencies, liver dysfunction, exposure to industrial pollutants, cosmetics and the monthly menstrual cycle. In addition, the skin functions to eliminate a portion of the body's toxic waste by sweating. If the body contains more toxins than the kidneys or liver can effectively discharge, the skin takes over. In fact, some doctors call the skin the 3rd kidney. As toxins escape through the skin, they can disrupt the health and integrity of the skin, creating issues. Recommendations for Wellness Note: Some of these recommendations may take 2-4 weeks before any results or improvements are experienced. Apply distilled white vinegar (can be diluted if too strong) to the face and affected areas. Allow this to sit for 5-10 minutes before rinsing off with cool water. Lemon or any citric fruit works great as a natural exfoliate, removing dead skin cells that may clog the pours. As with the white vinegar, apply the juice of a lemon (or desired citric juice) to the face. Allow it to dry for about 10 minutes, then rinse with cool water. You may feel a mild sting or burn when the lemon juice is applied. If so, diluting the juice is acceptable. Increase water consumption. Water helps flush toxin out and help transport nutrients in the body. Eat a properly balanced diet to ensure proper nutrition. Take a high quality multiple vitamin and mineral supplement to make up for nutrients missing in today's foods. Echinacea or Oregon grape can be used to boost the immune system and fight acne-causing bacteria. Dandelion, Burdock or red clover can help to keep the liver clear of toxic overload. Herbal combinations such as Natures Sunshine's Ayurvedic Skin Detox and BP-X can also be used to cleanse and detoxify the liver and reduce acne. Historically, large quantities of vitamin A have been successfully used to treat severe acne. Large amounts, however, can be toxic and should be used when working with your health care provider. Consider adding additional zinc to your diet. Zinc aids in the healing of tissues and assists in preventing scarring. It is also important for the body in resisting infection and inflammation. To clear and heal the skin, try a homeopathic Acne remedy. It can help to dry up pimples & prevent future outbreaks |
A Look at Laser Acne Treatment
A Look at Laser Acne Treatment
Laser acne treatment has been around for a few years now, and it is quickly replacing more traditional forms of acne removal and prevention. As antibiotics become increasingly ineffective due to overuse, more and more people are opting for this new technique. During laser resurfacing, a doctor holds a laser pen just above the acne or acne scar tissue and waves the concentrated beam of light back and forth, vaporizing only the unwanted tissue and creating a new surface for skin cell growth. Thus the term "laser resurfacing". New collagen actually forms after laser treatment. (Collagen is a protein in the skin's connective tissue that helps give the skin its texture.) Although laser resurfacing is safe and painless in almost all cases, some post-procedural bruising and swelling are normal. In most cases, these side effects persist for seven to ten days. Wait until this passes before applying make-up. Currently there are no federal restrictions on who can perform laser resurfacing; regulations only affect the laser manufacturers themselves. There are many types of lasers for many different purposes, so be sure to use a dermatologist or plastic surgeon. Be sure to ask where your doctor was trained to use the laser equipment and whether your doctor rents or owns his or her laser equipment. Ask to see before and after pictures of the doctor's cases, and find out how many different types of lasers the doctor owns and how often each piece of equipment is used. Many doctors feel that laser resurfacing isn't meant for dark skin because it alters the color of skin too dramatically and unpredictably. Others believe that in the hands of a very experienced surgeon, people with darker skin tones can benefit. Lasers acne treatment is much more invasive than non-ablative lasers. They remove by erosion, melting, evaporation, or vaporization. Ablative lasers are not recommended for use on darker skin colors. |
3 Easy Ways to Treat Body Acne!
3 Easy Ways to Treat Body Acne!
Are you suffering from Body acne? or Zits below the neckline? Don't worry. You are not alone! Lot's of teen get body acne. It is common in the winter months, when you are wearing piles of heavy clothing. Sweat can clog skin pores and lead to breakouts all over. Other things that can cause body acne are tight fitting clothing ( It traps sweat against the skin, leading to clogged pores and blemishes) stress and hormones. Body acne commonly pops up on the chest and back. Ø To zap body acne and prevent it from coming back, you can wash your body daily with a salicylic acid based cleanser. Look for this ingredient on product labels. Ø Shower daily and be sure to shower as soon as possible anytime you have been sweating - such as after playing sports, working outside or just being in the sun. After your shower, you can follow up by a body moisturizer that contains Alfa Hydroxy acid. This will exfoliate skin and help prevent breakouts, without drying skin out. Ø At Nighttime you can treat body acne just like facial acne, by applying an acne zapping gel or cream at the effected parts. Ø If your body acne is particularly bad and wont respond to this treatment after about a month, you will probably need to see a dermatologist. |